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14 March 2023 – Presentation of the book Alba Gonzales “Vissi d’Arti fra danza, canto, scultura e resilienza”

Roman sculptor of international fame, Alba Gonzales wanted to tell herself in the volume “Vissi d’Arti fra danza, canto, scultura e resilienza”, published by Gangemi Editore International with a critical introduction by Vittorio Sgarbi. Through the many conversations woven in years of acquaintance with the communicator Annamaria Barbato Ricci, always committed to the enhancement of female talent, the book tells the artist’s journey through the arts that have brought her to the forefront of the contemporary art world.
A special interview will be dedicated to Alba Gonzales in the March issue of Identity Style and while waiting, the book will be presented in Milan, Tuesday, March 14, 2023, from 18.00, at the Sala delle Colonne of Banco BPM, in via di San Paolo, 12. Introducing Diana Vaccaro, Artistic Heritage Banco BPM and Luca Pasquero, Easywork Italy and speakers Daniela Girardi Javarone, President of the Association Friends of Opera, Giovanni Iovane, Director of the Academy of Brera, Pasquale Lettieri, Curator, Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples Sergio Mandelli, Literary, critic and art popularizer, Domenico Piraina, Director of Palazzo Reale, Milan, Massimo Salamone, President of Durini Design District, Gisella Zilembo, General Manager MAB Award. The meeting will be coordinated by Annamaria Barbato Ricci, co-author of the work and communicator. The event will be attended by Maestro Alba Gonzales.
During the event will be exhibited two works of the artist: “Under His Mantle” and “The fears of Bacchae”, which will be transferred, from 15 March and until 15 September 2023, in the central hall of the headquarters of Banco BPM in Piazza Meda.