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Artistic Residences

Artistic Residences

Main Partner

Artistic Residences
2025 dates coming soon

Calendar Registration Artistic Residences 2025

15 October – 15 November 2024: Confirmation for students already enrolled (by e-mail to their addresses provided during membership)
16 November – 15 December 2024: Registration for selected during summer events
18 December 2024 – 18 January 2025: Registration for those who will be selected during academeeting

Vademecum exams


Dance as an educational tool

Choreutic training of excellence and international performing art residences represent a combination intended for the promotion of contemporary performing culture through the consolidation of the historical, stylistic and technical foundations of Academic Classical Dance, within a Dialectic comparison that highlights the gender specificity of the terpsichorean lexicon. The core objective, related to MAB Association, is of a pedagogical nature and develops in the activation of a high cultural cross-cultural hub.

Dance, a body language and universally intelligible, is understood in the academic sense as the search for a code that mediates art as an absolute human value, of which TRAINING becomes a symbol and instrument, in the broader point of view than in itself promoter of human and social meaning.

With this in mind and with particular attention to training and pedagogy in the dance area, the MAB PERFORMING ART RESIDENCES are born, in collaboration with GisellaZilembo_Eventi Danza and first level international partners.


Dancers Class (including ALL the selections in the program): € 800 including VAT for the entire duration of the course.
For the participants to the selections during the event in collaboration with Academeeting 2024, there will be a reduction of € 100.
Students coming from accredited schools will pay 50% of the tuition fee to Ass. MAB and the remaining 50% to the schools of reference, as a support to the curricular activities.

Training class – Vivaio (including ALL the selections in the program): € 600 including VAT for the entire duration of the course.
For participants in the selections during the event in collaboration with Academeeting 2024, there is a reduction of € 100.
Students from accredited schools will pay 50% of the tuition fee to Ass. MAB and the remaining 50% to the schools of reference, as support for curricular activities.

Auditor Class: 50% of the fees indicated above, one depending on participation as Auditor in the lessons of the Dancers Class or of the Training class.

KIDS class at Accademia Marziali MB (including ALL elections): € 600 VAT included for the entire duration of the course.
For participants in the selection during the event in collaboration with Academeeting 2024, a reduction of 100 euros is provided.
Pupils from accredited schools will be sent to Ass. MAB 50% of the tuition fee and the remaining 50% to the reference schools, as support for curricular activities.

Bank details:
MAB Maria Antonietta Berlusconi
Bank: Intesa San Paolo
Iban IT13P0306909606100000126414

Cause of transfer: Iscrizione RA MAB (registration to Artistic Residencies MAB) 2025 – Name of the student, Class (Dancers o Training class – Vivaio) , School of origin

Enrolment to Artistic Residencies

Fill out the registration form with the correct data. An email will be sent to the address entered with the files to be filled in and returned signed to

Topics of study

  • History and anthropology of Dance

  • Anatomy applied to dance

  • Classical technique

  • Classical technique advanced

  • Modern Technique

  • Repertoire

  • Talk Back about technical content

  • Choreographic Laboratory (Neoclassical\Contemporary)

  • Stage Coaching

  • Stage Management

Courses of study

  • Kids, up to 9 years

  • Dancers, up to 12 years

  • Dancers, from 12 years old

  • Listeners, no age limit

Program 2025


The new MAB uniform is available (including sweatshirt, trousers and shirt), at a cost of € 80 including VAT.
The proceeds will be entirely allocated to the projects of the Association in favor of young people and the DANCE sector.

Send the payment of the requested services (course or course + uniform).

Teachers – Artistic Residences MAB

The academic staff of the MAB artistic residences has always included renowned professionals in the dance and performance fields, dedicated, during the project, to the theoretical and practical study of the disciplines, ranging from academic technique to modern dace, to repertoire, to the choreographic laboratory, to stage management, to stage photography, to musicology, to the history and anthropology of dance, to dramaturgy, to teaching methodology and choreutic lexicology, to anatomy and applied to dance.

Organization – Artistic Residences MAB

Gisella Zilembo

General management

Location – Artistic Residences MAB

The MAB Artistic Residences will take place at the Teatro Arcimboldi Milano.

Auditions – Artistic Residences MAB