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Ass. MAB, Maria Antonietta Berlusconi

Art residences MAB – Vademecum Exams 2024

Managerial and logistical details for the participation to the final examination (to integration of the usual emali of logistics)

All students admitted to the exam are asked to confirm their participation promptly (no later than 03 May 2024) by answering this email

The exam will take place in the places of usual activities, namely: Sala Danza TAM Teatro Arcimboldi Milano and Online, for candidates who opt for the “remote” version.

How to conduct the exam:
The examination will take place on 12 May 2024, according to the programme set out below. All participants are required to be punctual and scrupulous respect of the logistical provisions, in order to allow the proper performance of the test.

  • For the practical tests, the students will have to demonstrate that they can follow a lesson in classical technique and a modern technique, proposed extemporaneously by the commission.

Remember that it is essential to present yourself, both in presence and remotely, with adequate: – clothing (leotards and socks or academic – no overalls, loose knits, bare belly, necklaces, earrings, piercings…) – combing (bun for women, face uncovered and hair in order for men).

  • For the theoretical checks

For all: It is necessary to prepare a short speech on what was examined during the sessions of Theory and Analysis of the Movement during the practical lessons, using at least two of the keywords highlighted below, at the choice of the candidate:

  1. aplomb
  2. energy
  3. dynamic
  4. socratic method

For the dancers class only: Show and comment, highlighting analogies and differences , an exercise “to beat” and one “to raise”.

During the theoretical and practical tests, to facilitate identification and evaluation, each candidate will be matched a number, which the candidate will have to carry on a special harness (the number is assigned to each in correspondence of his name, in the list of students – please do not consider the lines related to supervised teachers).

The bib can be attached to the bodysuit or to the shirt with safety pin and or double-sided tape or other useful tool (by the candidate, according to your preference and your best comfort).

The successful outcome of the exam will correspond to the ratification of the role of effective student (or the certification of the acquisition of the proposed content); failure to pass the test will lead to the qualification of auditor (related to frequency, in the absence of complete content acquisition).

Teachers Curricular of the schools of origin:
The teachers of reference, representing the schools of origin, will be able to attend to the extent of 1/ school in presence or online. Parents related relatives of students can follow online (only when the camera is on, the microphone is turned off, with the appropriate connection to protect the seal throughout the test, it will not be possible to enter and exit the zoom meeting, to ensure maximum concentration for the students; only with a profile bearing the name of the school and the student’s surname and first name; ensuring that the meeting codes are not transferred to third parties in any way and for any reason; having returned, at the same time as the student’s confirmation of participation, the attached authorization to process data and images for all those who wish to assist).

Examination Board:
The teachers of the MAB Artistic Residences

Delivery of attendance certificates:
At the end of the activity, we ask all candidates availability for the ceremony of delivery of the certificates including the outcome of the test. Those who are unable to be present, can collect the documents at the headquarters of Ass. MAB (Milano _ Via Solari, 9), by appointment with the secretariat (for this purpose, write to

For communications to the organizational secretariat, please use exclusively (so that there remains written record of the exchanges and all requests are properly handled) the e-mail address:


  • Class Vivaio

9.00 9.15 – ARRIVAL (IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO ACCESS THE THEATRE BEFORE THE INDICATED TIME) 9.30 9.45 – Preparation for the exam (summary of the procedures. 15 MINUTES)


10.30 11.30 – Examination of Technique and Classical Dance (dance performance): LESSON IN THE PRESENCE OF THE COMMISSION

11.45 12.15 – Examination of Technique and Modern Dance (dance performance): LESSON IN THE PRESENCE OF THE COMMISSION

To follow: Meeting of the commission 15 minutes – 12.30: Outcomes and delivery Certificates – Greetings


  • Class Danzatori

13.15 13.30 – Arrival (no access to the theatre before the indicated time)


15.30 16.30 – Examination of Technique and Classical Dance (dance performance): LESSON IN THE PRESENCE OF THE COMMISSION

16.45 17.45 – Examination of Technique and Modern Dance (dance performance): LESSON IN THE PRESENCE OF THE COMMISSION

To follow: Meeting of the commission 15 minutes – 18.00 Outcomes and delivery Attestati – Salutes