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From NY to Milan, via Seoul: 3…2… 1…MAB

Three continents, two months, an event that grows and that ranges: between April and May 2023, MAB Prize makes a stop in New York (with the USA final on April 7, at the KNJ theater at Peridance Center, on the occasion of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the famous American academy, that MAB celebrates by donating a sculpture of the artist Ivan Nadin to the founder and artistic director Igal Perry); in Seoul (with the competition on May 14 at the Sangmyung Art Center, Gyedang Hall, in coordination with Interballet); then in Milan (with the traditional gala evening at the Teatro Manzoni).

The idea of being close to those young people who choose to dedicate their lives to commitment and artistic excellence is the engine that brought president Silvio Andrea Beretta, Artistic director Julio Bocca and General Manager Gisella Zilembo to multiply MAB around the globe, in the name of a great dream, to give substance and concreteness.

The first stage is the Big Apple: on April 7, completely free of charge, thanks to the patronage of MAB Association, 15 selected dancers compete on the stage in the presence of a jury that includes world famous names (Nikki Holck, David Parsons, Igal Perry, Melanie Person, Victoria Vargas, Greg Zane with Gisella Zilembo) to win an important prize money (2000 $) in tangible support of their future.

The Award is received with such enthusiasm as to count among the finalists, not only the talents of the main American realities, but also competitors from France, Japan, Brazil, Mexico and Italy and to attract great media attention.

Remarkable organizational efforts and deep commitment of all for an ambitious project and strongly desired by Silvio Andrea Beretta, so that the Award is also combined with study sessions in collaboration with Peridance Center, Complexions Contemporary Ballet, Alvin Ailey School and a special masterclass with the director of the Joffrey Concert Group, Bradley Shelver. Among the guests of the event, the Broadway star Giuseppe Bausilio, the first winner of the MAB Award in 2010, who at the event recognizes the beginning of his brilliant career.

“Good luck to all” wishes the Master Julio Bocca and to win the podium, in New York, is the American Bec Gombar.

“It is said that Love moves mountains, we are trying to move them at a pace of Dance,” says the Zilembo, then adds:  “Today more than ever, if we can transmit a living example of how commitment, constancy and trust can change the world, all this makes sense and Art is confirmed as the most extraordinary of revolutions”.

(Ph. Matteo Rocchi)

Attached, in photo: 

David Parsons, Melanie Person with Gisella Zilembo, Igal Perry, Gisella Zilembo with Bec Gombar, all finalists of Premio MAB Usa 2nd edt.

Some finalists of MAB USa2023, namely:

Ana Cecilia Cardoso Urchichi, HELOISE Ponsonnet, Miku Hivayama, Bec Gombar, Martina Maculan, Andrew Schroeder, Alexia Quaglia.

14 March 2023 – Presentation of the book Alba Gonzales “Vissi d’Arti fra danza, canto, scultura e resilienza”

Roman sculptor of international fame, Alba Gonzales wanted to tell herself in the volume “Vissi d’Arti fra danza, canto, scultura e resilienza”, published by Gangemi Editore International with a critical introduction by Vittorio Sgarbi. Through the many conversations woven in years of acquaintance with the communicator Annamaria Barbato Ricci, always committed to the enhancement of female talent, the book tells the artist’s journey through the arts that have brought her to the forefront of the contemporary art world.

A special interview will be dedicated to Alba Gonzales in the March issue of Identity Style and while waiting, the book will be presented in Milan, Tuesday, March 14, 2023, from 18.00, at the Sala delle Colonne of Banco BPM, in via di San Paolo, 12. Introducing Diana Vaccaro, Artistic Heritage Banco BPM and Luca Pasquero, Easywork Italy and speakers Daniela Girardi Javarone, President of the Association Friends of Opera, Giovanni Iovane, Director of the Academy of Brera, Pasquale Lettieri, Curator, Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples Sergio Mandelli, Literary, critic and art popularizer, Domenico Piraina, Director of Palazzo Reale, Milan, Massimo Salamone, President of Durini Design District, Gisella Zilembo, General Manager MAB Award. The meeting will be coordinated by Annamaria Barbato Ricci, co-author of the work and communicator. The event will be attended by Maestro Alba Gonzales.

During the event will be exhibited two works of the artist: “Under His Mantle” and “The fears of Bacchae”, which will be transferred, from 15 March and until 15 September 2023, in the central hall of the headquarters of Banco BPM in Piazza Meda.

MAB guest in the USA for Ballet Beyond Borders

MAB Association, returns to the United States, guest of Ballet Beyond Borders directed by Charlene Campbell Carey, after the success of the first US edition of the famous International Ballet Prize, entitled to Maria Antonietta Berlusconi and strongly desired by President Silvio Andrea Beretta.

Leading the Italian delegation in Missoula, general manager Gisella Zilembo, who tells :

“It was a wonderful adventure, of great enrichment, that we are happy to have shared with students and professionals of the circuit, such as Patrizia Tosi (teacher RA) and Giulia Malvezzi (representing accredited schools), Guest lecturers for MAB at the University of Montana”

During her stay in Missoula, Dr Zilembo gave a lecture for MAB on “Theatrical Anthropology and Social Identity” in collaboration with the Civic Centre for Cultural Promotion, winning the invitation to L’Havanna in January 2024 and followed by the meeting with Ahmad Joudeh (international dancer and author of “Dance or die”).

La Zilembo, after the staging of the choreography “Stelle a’Mare” (inspired by the theme of refugees and refugees) at The George &Jane Dennisom Theater was also, as an Italian ambassador of choreographic culture, to report on the history of the Association, on the occasion of the Diolomacy Conference, held at the University of Missoula, in the presence of an audience from 30 countries.

The intervention (in which the figures of Mrs Etta and Maestro Roberto Fascilla were remembered, in their visinario and passionate approach to Dance and the support of young generations of artists) involved and moved international stars of Ballet intervened.

The US trip ended in New York, to lay the foundations for the second edition of MAB USA, scheduled for next April, right in the Big Apple.

MAB Association bids its last farewell to Maestro Bruno Vescovo

MAB Association, with heartfelt condolences, offers its last farewell, full of gratitude, to Maestro Bruno Vescovo, international artist and, for MAB, juror and teacher, as well as a sincere and generous friend.

Bruno Vescovo with Claudia Zaccari, Ivonne Ravelli, Gisella Zilembo, Roberto Fascilla, Patrizia Manieri and Rene` de Cardenas
Bruno Vescovo with Liliana Cosi, Rossella Brescia, Carla Fracci, Anna Maria Prina e Paolo Giordano, on the MAB stage


9-10-11 December 2022, at AC by Marriott Milan Sesto, the MAB Association winter camp returns: an intensive camp dedicated to the various choreographic disciplines, with teachers and professionals from the MAB circuit and instructors from accredited schools. During the event, auditions for the 2023 MAB Artistic Residencies and special events will take place, in collaboration with the association’s partners: writer Aurora Marsotto will present the book “Più luminosa di una stella” (Brighter than a star) (published for Piemme by Mondadori Libri S.p.A.) and meet the students for a Q&A dedicated to the legendary Carla Fracci; Ballet Master Matteo Levaggi will hold auditions for the production “Io… non sono solo Giselle’ (I… am not only Giselle), also dedicated to Ms Fracci, and for the masterclass in ballet and contemporary dance promoted by the La Scala Academy.

To participate: